5 Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas For Aspiring Agents

You experience two things every time a real estate deal is finalized. There’s the relief of selling a house and knowing your commission will be hitting your bank account this month. Then, there’s the dread of figuring out your next source of income.  

This is why it’s crucial to invest in lead generation. Keep new clients coming while you wrap up business with old ones. And so, we have the top 5 real estate lead generation ideas for aspiring agents. 

5 Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas For New Agents

1. Increase traffic to your website via social media

You drop by LinkedIn these days, and you will see every other person posting about personal branding. Your real estate business could undoubtedly benefit from it. 

Create content relevant to your client. This doesn’t mean you bore them with statistics involving buying and selling. Something like how you can increase the value of a house? Now that will get a property owner’s attention. 

Before you know it, you will have people in your inbox with the goal of selling and buying properties. 

While LinkedIn is the professional version of social media, you could try your luck on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Tweets with relevant information and funny takes can lead to traffic generation. For Facebook, join real estate groups and interact with community members. 

You can showcase properties you’re currently in charge of on Instagram. HD pictures and videos can turn into sales for current properties and a new wave of parties who want to see your future houses. 

2. Lead an open house event

An open house event is where anyone can tour a listed property for a short period of time. The crowd could consist of potential buyers or curious onlookers. It’s also the event where you should turn on your charm to the max. 

Greet your visitors the moment they walk in. Collect their phone number, email, or some form of contact and hand over your business card. Try to have genuine conversations with them while figuring out if they have plans for buying or selling houses in the future. They will remember your wonderful attitude and would likely contact you first. 

3. Invest in video marketing

Property owners tend to prefer real estate agents who create listing videos. These are videos where you get a virtual tour of the property, both inside and outside the home. 

Create a YouTube channel and upload these videos. Embed these videos if you have a website. Potential clients will know their property will be presented in the best way possible, which will lead them to contact you. 

In addition to listing videos, you should do client interviews, buyer interviews, Q&A live sessions, etc. You can turn your blog posts into videos. 

4. Set up review pages

Real estate lead generation doesn’t happen based on the number of sales you made. Instead, clients seek you out when they notice your previous client had a good experience with you. Therefore, setting up a review page on your website and on other real estate listing sites is important. 

Ask your client to leave feedback and encourage them to be honest. If possible, get them to do video reviews, as it adds to your authenticity. When new clients tumble across your website, they know they will be in good hands from these reviews. Positive reviews also help raise your rank on Google business pages. 

5. Get to know your local community

Let your immediate locality know you’re in the real estate business. How can you do that?

  • Do some community service. 
  • Go to local events such as park fairs. 
  • Host a podcast involving your locality. 

Mix with people in these events. Make your job a natural part of the conversation. They will remember you as this good person who helps the neighborhood out a lot. When they need a real estate agent, you will be the first name on their mind. 

Final Thoughts

Real estate lead generation isn’t tough as much as it needs consistency. But, if you’re willing to show up and ultimately network, you will have your name out there in the real estate community soon. 

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